Posting Constraints

Rule Solver allows creators of business decision models to post constraints constrained defined on unknown (constrained) variables. Here is a list of Solver’s methods for defining new constraints:

Method NameParameters
VarOperValuePost a new constraint using three parameters:
Par 1 defines a name of the existing constrained variable (expression).
Par 2 defines an operator such as “+”, “-“, “*”, “/”, “=”, “!=”, “>”, “>=”, “<=”, “<“.
Par 3 defines a value.
Sample decision models: “Zebra
VarOperVarPost a new constraint using three parameters:
Par 1 defines a name of the existing constrained variable (expression).
Par 2 defines an operator such as “+”, “-“, “*”, “/”, “=”, “!=”, “>”, “>=”, “<=”, “<“.
Par 3 defines another constrained variable.
Sample decision models: “Zebra
Post or HardPosts a previously defined constraint (Par 1)
AllDiffPosts a constraint that enforces all constrained variables in the array defined in Par 1 should be different.
Sample decision models: “Zebra
IfThenPosts a constraint that states that if the first constraint (Par 1) is satisfied then the second constraints (Par 2) should be also satisfied.
Sample decision models: “Miss Manners
SoftPost a soft constraint in Par 1 (previously defined) that can be violated. The relative importance of the constraint is defined in Par 2.
Sample decision models: “Map Coloring with Violations

In a previous release there were several more column types for posting constraints:

Avoid using these methods as they will be deprecated in the future releases.

See example at Solver Decision Tables